Customize your Pro Pen 3

Customize your Pro Pen 3

The Pro Pen 3 comes with button plates (thick and thin), pen grips (flared and straight), a pen weight, and a variety of extra pen nibs. These parts allow you to fully customize the pen's look and feel.

Note: Pen parts may or may not be preinstalled, depending on your Wacom device model.

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Add a pen grip and weight

  1. Remove the button plate using your fingernail or a suitable, non-metallic tool and then remove the rear case.
  2. Slide one of the pen grips onto the pen.
  3. Attach a thick button plate by sliding the small lip on the end of the plate into the section nearest the pen tip. Then push the plate down into place.
  4. Note: A thick button plate is required when installing a pen grip.

  5. Insert the heavy (A) or light (B) end of the weight toward the pen tip.
  6. Reinstall the rear case.

Remove the pen grip and weight

  1. Remove the rear case.
  2. Remove the weight.
  3. Remove the button plate using your fingernail or a suitable, non-metallic tool.
  4. Slide the pen grip off of the pen.
  5. Attach the same or a new button plate by sliding the small lip on the end of the plate into the section nearest the pen tip. Then push the plate down into place.
  6. Note: A thin button plate is required if you have removed the pen grip.

  7. Reinstall the rear case.
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