Advanced pen settings

Advanced pen settings

You can further customize pen tip pressure settings in Advanced settings. Options within the Advance settings let you independently change the tip pressure sensitivity, click threshold settings, your Pen button mode, and more.

Customize advanced pen settings

Tip: If your pen does not display in Wacom Center, tap your pen to your device.
  1. Open Wacom Center.
  2. Select the device you use your pen with in the Devices sidebar, then select your pen.
  3. In the main content area, click Advanced.
  4. In the Advanced settings area, make the changes to your pen settings. Descriptions for each customizable setting are listed in the table below.
Important: The available Advanced settings will vary, depending on your device.
Double-tap distance

To change the distance between your pen and the device surface during a double-click, move the slider.

Tip: If you notice a delay at the beginning of brush strokes, inking strokes, or drag actions, reduce the Double-tap distance or set a pen button to double-click instead of the pen tip.
Tip sensitivity The selected pressure sensitivity curve and click threshold settings are displayed. A curve that increases quickly makes the pen feel more sensitive. Move the pressure controls to change the settings:
  • Max pressure: Determines how hard you must press the pen tip to reach maximum pressure.
  • Sensitivity: Changes the slope of the pressure response curve.
  • Click threshold: Determines the amount of force required to register pressure or generate a pen click.
Using your pen tip, make several strokes within the Test area section to test the results of your changes.
Tip: If the pen overreacts to slight pressure, try a firmer Tip sensitivity setting.
Tip: If you want a narrower range of pressure values in a pressure-sensitive application, select a soft Tip sensitivity.
Note: Pressure and sensitivity settings are adjusted with the Tip Sensitivity slider in the main content area of Wacom Center. Any adjustments you make there will override changes made to the Tip Sensitivity settings in Advanced settings.
Pen button modeSelect how you want to double-click or perform another click function with your pen:
  • Hover click: This is the default Pen button mode setting. Hold the pen tip close to your device and press the pen button to perform a right-click or other click action (double-click, etc.).
  • Click & tap: If your Pen button mode is Click & Tap, press down the pen button and then touch the device surface with your pen tip to perform a right-click or other click action (double-click, etc.). This option allows for a more precise placement of pen clicks.
Tip-up assist This feature is turned on by default and helps you accurately place a crosshair or control point with your pen in the exact place that you are targeting, without moving the targeted location 1-2 pixels when you release pressure on the pen tip. To turn off Tip-up Assist, deselect the checkbox.
Windows Ink This feature is turned on by default and allows you to take advantage of a wide variety of features supported by Microsoft Windows. Additional features are supported by Windows 10 and the Windows Ink Workspace:
  • Handwriting recognition: Convert your handwritten content to typed text.
  • Digital Ink: Use the enhanced digital mark-up and inking tools found on the Review tab in applicable applications.
  • Windows Input Panel: Use handwriting or an on-screen keyboard to directly enter text with your Wacom pen.
Pen tip to cursor alignmentIf you are using a Wacom pen display, by default, your cursor will display directly under the pen tip. This feature allows you to display the cursor slightly away from your pen tip.

The above screenshot is for descriptive purposes; it may not match your screen.

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