Built-in display settings

Built-in display settings

You can use the Wacom Movink 13's built-in display settings controls to adjust a variety of display settings.

Important: Your Movink supports standard color spaces that are predefined and calibrated at the factory for each individual display. Wacom recommends customers select a color space appropriate for their environment and type of work. Further customizing of the display colors is an advanced feature.
Tip: If you make changes to the display appearance and cannot return to the original display settings, use a short press on a tablet button to open the Movink 13 Menu, then select Display Settings > Reset.
Tip: To reset all built-in display settings, use a short press on a tablet button to open the Movink 13 Menu, then select Other Settings > Factory Reset.

Customize the built-in display settings

  1. Use a short press of the Tablet Button assigned to Power & Menu to open the Wacom Movink 13 menu.
  2. Use a pen or touch to select Display Settings.
  3. Click OK to confirm that any display settings changes may consume more energy.
  4. Use a pen or touch to navigate additional menus and select options. You can adjust display attributes such as color mode, brightness, black level, color temperature, gamma, and advanced settings.
  5. Use the back button to return to the previous screen.
  6. Press the tablet button assigned to Power & Menu again to close the Wacom Movink 13 Menu.
Note: The built-in display settings menu will automatically close after a few moments of inactivity.
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