Touch setup

Touch setup

The Touch setup tab allows you to set up the basic touch input settings for your Wacom Movink 13. You can turn touch on and off using the Touch on-off button in the Movink 13 menu and/or by pressing a Tablet Button assigned to "Touch on-off".

You can also use Selective touch, which enables touch input for On-screen shortcuts only, and leaves touch turned off everywhere else on your screen. Instructions for all three setup options are listed in the table below.

Touch setup optionsInstructions
Turn touch on and off using the Touch on-off Movink 13 menu button
  1. Use a short press of the left or right Tablet Button (whichever is assigned to "Power & Menu") to open the Movink 13 menu.
  2. Press the Touch on-off button to change the touch status.
Turn touch on and off using the left or right Tablet Button
  1. If you have not already, assign "Touch on-off" to the Left or Right Tablet Button:
    1. Use a short press of the left or right Tablet Button (whichever is assigned to "Power & Menu") to open the Movink 13 menu.
    2. Press the Tablet Button icon.
    3. On the Tablet Buttons settings screen, select "Touch on-off" for the Right or Left tablet button.
  2. Use a short press of the tablet button you assigned to "Touch on-off" to change the touch status.
Note: Step 1 is only needed for set up.
Enable touch for On-screen shortcuts only and turn touch off everywhere else
  1. Turn touch off using one of the methods described above.
  2. Open Wacom Center
  3. Select your device in the Devices sidebar, then select Touch & gestures.
  4. On the Touch setup tab, select the Selective button.
Tip: For information on customizing touch gestures, see Basic gestures and Advanced gestures.
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