Table of Contents
About Wacom One
Features of your Wacom One
Battery, Orientation, and Bluetooth status icons
Use your device with Android or Chromebook
Set up your device
Connect to your computer
Install the Wacom driver
Change the orientation of the device
Set up your work area
Connect wirelessly by Bluetooth
Work with your pen
Use your pen
Store your pen
Customize your pen settings
Replace the pen nib
Use your pen with Windows Ink
Advanced pen settings
Customize your Wacom device
What actions can I assign?
Assign keystrokes
Advanced settings for your device
Wacom Center
Open Wacom Center
Access and customize your device
Store and retrieve your settings
Register your device and redeem software
Keep everything up to date
Solve common problems and get help
Open Wacom Tablet Properties
On-screen shortcuts
Create On-screen shortcuts
Customize On-screen shortcuts
Assign On-screen shortcuts
Edit On-screen shortcuts
On-screen shortcut layouts
Application-specific settings
Map your device to your display(s)
Force proportions
Advanced Mapping settings
Device active area
Wacom Support
Test the Wacom device
Test the pen
Software offers
Order parts and accessories
Care for your device
About this document
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